воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.


Yoyoyo Shall blog abit before heading to ykapos;s house which is at the other side of singaporeeee for pw. Have been real busy with pw lately and like.. Pw. Like wtffff, i hate pw. HAHHAA. Its raining, oh shit.�Anyway shall blog about my weeeek

Monday: Sch was boring to the maxxxxx and i wasn;t paying attention to anythingg. Mostly pw i gues.�Out with porkchop to catch mama mia What a freaking nice show cos i dl all the songs when i reached home. Porkchop was being an idiot as he broke my fave pink slipppers. Now i have none to wear and im fairly pissed >:( But he bought some slippers from fourskin (issit?) back for mee so i dont have to walk around marina barefootedd.

Tuesday: Ponned the morning parttt for some macs breakfast. I finally watched one episode of heroes Okay lah not bad.�Off to schooool and wasted my trip there cos yk said they all went home alr -.-� then cabbed back home cos was seriously damn lazyy. Then meeting rejects at central for some MFM the bomb pls. It was like 90 plusssssss altogetherrr so 20 plus each.�The waiter was weird, seriously.

Wednesday : I think�i ponned.

Thursday: Did i pon?

Friday: Results day ZOMG okay you read all about it from the last post. And then night safariii Freaking fun and it was freeeee HAHAHA
THANKS ALLLSON hahahahahah Pictures soon

Okay, need to head offf to dont know where now for some serious pw. Seriously dont think i can get an A alr? Suckssss.
esc7, esc680 problem solver, esc64.

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