понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

atlanta builder georgia home

Went to Malaysia to visit Raihanah Luthfiapos;s house. Sort of. Well, when we reached there, we first made our way to Angsana to do a little gift shopping for my ustazapos;s birthday... However, efforts were futile..xD
We went to their house for some lunch. ( even if we did eat a family-sized pizza banquet ) After performing the prayers, we set off yet again, this time to Jusco Tebrau City. It is a humongous shopping mall In the end, we found a gift - a cap...xD
( I even got myself a shirt while I was there )
We went back to Raihanahapos;s house to perform the necessary tributes? You could put it that way. Then, we set off for home..

When we got back, we had to straightaway clear the house - Bibik Ling was coming ( Aunt from my arwah Dadapos;s side ) and the house looked like itapos;s been hit by a hurricane I helped around a little before thinking apos; Whattheheck. Iapos;m tired. I donapos;t care. Iapos;m going to bed.apos;


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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

crepis capillaris

Role-played for 12 hours on Sunday, and four on Sunday, not counting all that downtime before and afterwards.� Iapos;m tired, but not so much as usual -- for once, having free time has filled me with energy.� My house is empty, and cold, but with Titanic (the musical, not that shitty movie) filling the entire house, and imminent fire in the fireplace, and dinner cooking, I think it feels just dandy.

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Yoyoyo Shall blog abit before heading to ykapos;s house which is at the other side of singaporeeee for pw. Have been real busy with pw lately and like.. Pw. Like wtffff, i hate pw. HAHHAA. Its raining, oh shit.�Anyway shall blog about my weeeek

Monday: Sch was boring to the maxxxxx and i wasn;t paying attention to anythingg. Mostly pw i gues.�Out with porkchop to catch mama mia What a freaking nice show cos i dl all the songs when i reached home. Porkchop was being an idiot as he broke my fave pink slipppers. Now i have none to wear and im fairly pissed >:( But he bought some slippers from fourskin (issit?) back for mee so i dont have to walk around marina barefootedd.

Tuesday: Ponned the morning parttt for some macs breakfast. I finally watched one episode of heroes Okay lah not bad.�Off to schooool and wasted my trip there cos yk said they all went home alr -.-� then cabbed back home cos was seriously damn lazyy. Then meeting rejects at central for some MFM the bomb pls. It was like 90 plusssssss altogetherrr so 20 plus each.�The waiter was weird, seriously.

Wednesday : I think�i ponned.

Thursday: Did i pon?

Friday: Results day ZOMG okay you read all about it from the last post. And then night safariii Freaking fun and it was freeeee HAHAHA
THANKS ALLLSON hahahahahah Pictures soon

Okay, need to head offf to dont know where now for some serious pw. Seriously dont think i can get an A alr? Suckssss.
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

alberta university math

I�dunno, not much has changed.� I have to try and get a secound job. Hopefully I can get one at newbs.

I got into a new anime, actuallyu it was an anime I had known about for like over a year but finally got around to checking it out.

Itapos;s called BECK, I�got the first DVD used and got to watch it like 3 days after I bought it but that night I want out and bought the the boxset of the whole series.

so yea, that and I have started writing again.� plus i showed some of my stuff to asome people at work and they said it was cool and one of the guys inpro audio said he would record me if I find a drummer.

so yea

but to night kinda sucked and I should probably go to bed

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

audiotel international ltd

Currently reading Marie Belloc Lowndesapos; The Lodger. Bought it recently and finally had the opportunity to pick it up earlier today. This far I have to say itapos;s definitely one of the best things Iapos;ve read in quite a while.

Of course itapos;s hard not to constantly compare the story to the one in Hitchcockapos;s adaption, being somewhat afraid that the original story will ruin one of my favorite movies and dear Ivor Novelloapos;s role as Mr. Sleuth. Yet it has not shown any signs on doing so and that makes me quite happy.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

autorun cd menu maker

Thatapos;s twice now that Iapos;ve looked down and noticed that my hands were covered in what appears to be some sort of cyan or teal ink. This isnapos;t as bad as last time, though--this time just has a few spots here and there, while last time more or less looked like I had just murdered a Smurf.

I have no idea where it came from, either time. I just sort of noticed afterward both times, and am now wondering what the hell.
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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

ballards design outlet

Today we reviewed quizzes and students received a massive review packet for the test on Thursday.� I don't expect students to work the entire packet, but I do suggest at least one question from each section.�

Students:� I have left answers to the odd problems in a folder outside my door, so you may pick those up Wednesday, even though we won't be holding class.� If you miss a problem, I suggest going back and working more problems from that section.� The review is weak in two areas:� inequalities and applications.� Look over the inequality section in your book.� It has good examples and a nice problem set.� As far as applications are concerned, go back through the entire polynomial chapter and try all those word problems again, as well as those on previous worksheets.� Make sure you look at the performance task after the chapter test that was assigned Monday night.� Reveiw your old polynomial test.

Thursday, students will take a comprehensive polynomial test.

Friday, students will take - yet another - polynomial quiz, but this one is just to replace a lower quiz grade.� Most students have learned much more than the first 3 quizzes have shown, and this quiz is to adjust grades to reflect that knowledge.� It cannot hurt their average, but, in many cases, it can definitely help it� Study for this by reviewing all previous polynomial quizzes.�

I will not be here for the next 3 days, and, although I was dissappointed not to see anyone this afternoon for help, I hope we answered all questions in class.� If any do come up, students can see Ms. Chase next door in room 212 - she also teaches Accelerated II and will be glad to answer questions.

Good luck on both assessments

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

evanescence i must be dreaming mp3

I was rearranging the delivery of my mattress and bedframe when I�flipped to next weekapos;s schedule in my organiser. There I�saw: 22nd, 9.30am, ROM. My disjointed brain was thinking of a few things at that split second. I know I have to go to ROM on 22nd to get the marriage certificate. How come itapos;s on next weekapos;s schedule? It was only after a few seconds that it occurred to me that the big day is just round the corner.

OMG.. 11 more days to go

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a time to kill movie cast

Good morning Iapos;m sitting here and completely enjoying the silence in the house. Travis is off work today...itapos;s Columbus Day. He took the kiddos to the book store and promised to not come home until noon. Yay So my goal is to get as much accomplished in the next 3 hours as possible. My top�three "to doapos;s"�is to update the blog, finish my coffee and take a walk. So here I go

Last Wednesday was Travisapos; 7th chemo treatment.�Not much to speak of. But we are seeing that with each treatment he gets, the symptoms compound, start sooner and last longer. He slept for most of the weekend. Friday he came home early from work, took a 3 hour nap, got up to eat dinner and was asleep by 8pm. Saturday was more of the same. We ran errands in the morning and he slept for most of the afternoon. Yesterday he was feeling much better. We attended a wedding in the afternoon so we didnapos;t get home until 5ish.�His biggest�symptoms are waves of nausea which�are�manageable with his pills, his vein in the arm that they gave him the treatment is sore and really red, heapos;s losing more hair - his eyelashes, brows, legs. His dexterity is a little off because of some numbness in his hands. He looked great to�me this morning. He got up with the kids early, ate�breakfast and�they�climbed in the van about�30 minutes ago.

So this work week will�be a short one for Trav. He took this Friday off and is driving to Springfield, Missouri with his Dad to fly fish for trout. His brother Russ lives down there so theyapos;ll get to visit. Iapos;m glad that he gets a relaxing break.

The kids are wonderful. Jillian is mastering her�letters and is starting to write. She loves school and has made many new friends. Her schoolapos;s fall festival is this Friday. Paul is�doing great too.�He sits with Jill while she draws and writes.�He knows his alphabet too and can call each letter out by name.�Paul is also�very into his Thomas the Train. Building his train track keeps him busy throughout the day.�Which is great when Iapos;m trying to work

So thatapos;s this weekapos;s update. Hope everyone else is doing well and enjoying the fall weather

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